Meet Dr. Shane Baird


Most of my clients know me simply as Shane.  Some insist on calling me Dr. Baird.  No matter what you call me, everyone knows that I love what I do for a living.  I consider it a great privilege to have the opportunity to be an equine veterinarian.

I was born and raised in Boise, Idaho, where I had the opportunity to have horses, dogs, and a menagerie of other pets throughout my youth.  Whether it was just taking my dog to the park or taking my horse into the wilderness for a week long trek, it was when I happiest.  To this day, time with horses, ideally riding, is a sure fire way to put a smile on my face.

When the time came to choose a college,  I very honestly had no desire to leave the West.  Open spaces were, and still are, in my blood.  Knowing that I wanted to go through, complete an undergraduate, and then continue on with my veterinary degree, Colorado State University was a very logical choice, and when I visited Fort Collins for the first time it reminded me a lot of the home I knew in Boise.  But it was also far enough away that I was able to create my own life.

Fort Collins allowed me to continue to develop personally, as well as nurture all of the hobbies that I enjoy today.  Plus it is close enough to Colorado skiing to maintain a healthy ski habit, but far enough away not to get swept into the full ski bum lifestyle!

If I were ever to leave horses, the other love in my life is running water… rivers, creeks and streams.  Fly fishing, rafting, or just watching the world go by, I can get lost for days being a part of the mountain waters. There is a freedom in the water that resembles the freedom found on the back of a horse.

After I graduated veterinary school, Dr. John Young of Mobile Veterinary Clinic was good enough to hire me.  To this day, I maintain a wonderful friendship with Doc, and still consider him an irreplaceable mentor.  I worked with Dr. Young for 5 years before he decided that it was time to retire.  I bought the practice and soon brought a friend, classmate and most importantly, an excellent veterinarian in to help me here at MVS.  Dr. Alex Turner has been an invaluable part of the practice since 2007.

Continuing education is a large part of being a veterinarian. Veterinary medicine is always improving and evolving and one of the joys in my chosen career is learning new medical advancements, techniques, and treatments. Dr. Alex Turner and I attend many conferences, lectures, and other educational forums throughout the year to keep our skills sharp, and our knowledge cutting-edge so we can do the best for our equine patients.

Paramount to any veterinarian is their other half.  They have to understand long hours and our dedication to our jobs.  Jeanine Eller is my other half, and as a business owner herself she not only understands the requirements of being a veterinarian and clinic owner, she often participates in the job, riding in the truck with our young son and budding horseman, Cayden.  They are an amazing pair, braving cold and snow and whatever the Colorado weather throws at us.  I’m lucky to live with my family very near the MVS offices, and my horse is housed not far away so I can enjoy my time with him often as well.

With a job and family that I love, and the best clients a veterinarian could ask for, I really can’t ask for a whole lot more from life.


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